Your Mental and Physical Health

Taking the right steps
Whether you’ve had to take some time off work and your normal monthly income and expenditure has changed, or perhaps you’re not in the right state of mind to manage your finances. It’s important we know about your situation so we know how best we can support you. We want to help you!
We’ll consider the best solution for maintaining your loan agreement, whether that is making a special arrangement with you, or asking your guarantor to step in.

How we could help
We’ll start by having a chat with you. If you’re not comfortable with speaking to us, or you’re unable to, you can give someone authority to speak on your behalf. You can also give us a special code word which means you can end the call at any time if you’re feeling uncomfortable.
After the call we’ll be able to review your situation and determine the appropriate support level. We’ll also be able to leave notes and make any changes to the account such as contact methods and more. Our aim is for us to work together, to ensure your welfare and your loan is looked after.

Some help for right now
Dorset Mind, our local branch of the leading national mental health charity, Mind, have advised we offer the following information and signposting.
Recognising that you may be struggling with your mental health is the first step in being able to help yourself. Please remember, accepting that you may be struggling with your mental health does not reflect you or your strength as a person. In fact, 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England.
Our human minds are very complex. That’s why no mental health problem is the same. Please have a read of this guide from Mind to help identify what you may be experiencing: Types of Mental Health Problems
We always recommend speaking to someone close to you such as a family member or friend. Talking about how you’re feeling can help you with any confusion or frustration you may feel as a consequence.
If it is not yourself which is affected, but someone close to you, and you want to know how best to help them, please see this guide: Dealing with Mental Health: Introduction for Friends and Family
We understand thinking about your finances can be hard when you’re not feeling yourself. For some tips for everyday living, see this guide: Money and your mental health - Tips for everyday living

Further Support
If you’d like to reach out to a specialist such as a recognised charity that provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem, then please use the links below.
- Mind UK, mental health charity
- When life is difficult, Samaritans are here – day or night, 365 days a year. You can call them for free on 116 123, email them at [email protected], or visit www.samaritans.org
This is a freephone number that can even be called from a mobile that has no credit.
Anything we haven't covered?
Check out our guides below: